How to Sell Car in Car Parking Multiplayer

Are you interested in buying & selling a car in car parking multiplayer?. It is not just a game of race and parking. This Game has some unique features which make this game insane. You can sell your cars to other players in this game and buy cars from other players worldwide. However, there are some selling protocols for selling. Are you fan of champoins clashes? Nulls Brawl Apk is an electrifying online brawler where champions clash in fast-paced battles using unique abilities and strategies. Join the mayhem and dominate the arena with your favorite characters in this thrilling multiplayer experience.

Well some players are interested in those games in which car buying and selling is allowed, so we have bring a platform ApkChips where you can get access to advance level games and apps. One can easily find their favourite game at our new launched platform. Now lets talk about selling protocols.

Selling Protocols

  • Your Car must be one month old.
  • Make your Car perfect before selling it because once your Car is rejected, you will not be able to sell it again.

How To Sell Car

There is no rocket science in selling cars, but many players are confused about this. Their confusion is that they are trying to sell completely new cars, which is impossible. You have to make some investment in the Car to be able to sell the cars at a good price. Let us discuss the step-by-step procedure.

  1. Go to Garage and Click on the Cart Icon
  2. You will see a pop-up named “Worldwide Car Sale.”
  3. Put all the required Information and Price.
  4. Then click on “Send For Review.”
  5. You will get the message. “Your Car is Now on Review. Please Wait”
  6. After some time, “Congratulations. Your Car Sold”
How to sell car in Car Parking Multiplayer

Sell Car in Car Parking Multiplayer through Facebook

In addition to selling cars in the game, you can also sell them on different platforms like Facebook. Some Facebook groups have thousands of players interacting and buying and selling cars.
This method also involves real money, which is more efficient than the first one.

Facebook Groups

Important Point

Dealing in unofficial ways is always risky. There are also scammers in Facebook groups, usually scamming new users. The best way to deal out of the game is Deal Via Admin. Contact the admin of the group and explain the deal to him. Furthermore, have a safe deal through a third person.


  • Mr Jurvi Luois

    Mr Jurvi Luois is a Gaming content writer. He is also a game developer at Unity 3D. He wrote more than 1000 articles for international clients.

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1 thought on “How to Sell Car in Car Parking Multiplayer”

  1. hi,

    we can’t sell the car. after trying to sell it says “can’t sell this car” only.



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